July 19, 2007

malayan tapir

This is a Malayan tapir.

In Chinese, Korean and Japanese, the tapir is named after a beast from Chinese mythology. A feature of this mythical creature is a snout like that of an elephant. It is said to eat people's dreams.

Tapirs have brown eyes.


Hank Guy said...

That's interesting, I like the part about eating people's dreams, as we're still planning to do a mockumentary about a men hellbent on introducing tapir bacon (Tacon!) to America.

Might be a nice metaphor and all...

Unknown said...

i ate somebody's dream last night.

you do NOT want to know what happened with the aftermath.

dreams go down well with a glass of cherry soda, slightly bitter crackers, or lavender jam.


Anonymous said...

The tapir is my favorite animal in this universe! Next you should draw a baby one, the watermelon kind. That's a great drawing.
I didn't know that about the dreams either. It's kind of ambiguous - they could eat bad dreams and help you, or be mean and eat good dreams. Great tapir!